I'm Yosua Nicolaus, a self-taught frontend developer based in Sydney, Australia. I love to build projects and learn something new.
I enjoy creating complex software from scratch. Take a look at some of my projects:


A web application that allows users to play chess online in real-time. It is built with React, NextJS, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Realtime Database, and the logichess chess library.


A TypeScript library that provides a set of classes to handle chess game logic. It can be used to create custom chess games, validate moves, get legal moves, and other useful functionalities related to chess.


A dynamic online web chess application built with React, TypeScript, Bootstrap, Bootswatch, Firebase client, Axios, and Socket io client. This project uses the Backchess API and socket server to provide a seamless and engaging online chess experience.


A backend API + socket server that connects the LogiChess chess library with Database and SocketIO, providing the capability to have a stateful game by simply using the API.

Flappy Bird AI

A simulation game that uses a genetic algorithm and neural networks to train an agent to play Flappy Bird. You can watch the agent learn from its mistakes and improve its performance over generations. Made using godot.

Autonomous Agents

This project is based from Daniel Shiffman's book- Nature of Code, specifically chapter 6 about Autonomous Agents- simulating the behavior of flock of birds/fish. Made using Godot.

BlackJack card game

A web game project about playing the BlackJack card game with the computer as the dealer. Uses an external API for deck/card management. Made using React and Bootstrap.

Shopping Cart Website

One of the projects from TheOdinProject curriculum. A dynamic shopping cart website made using React and Bootstrap.

Tic Tac Toe

One of the projects from TheOdinProject curriculum. A web Tic-Tac-Toe game where you can play against stupid computer or real human. Made using the basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
About Me

Hey there, I'm Yosua Nicolaus, a self-taught web developer from Indonesia with a passion for creating engaging web applications. My journey in web development started with The Odin Project, and since then, I've been building a variety of personal projects that go beyond what I learned in the course.

Before pursuing web development, I was a jazz pianist who also enjoyed music composition for fun. My curiosity about game development led me to programming, and I haven't looked back since.

As an aspiring frontend developer, I'm proficient in using React and Tailwind CSS to build responsive and visually appealing web applications. I'm also skilled in TypeScript, Python, and other languages and frameworks.

When I'm not coding, you can usually find me playing piano, watching YouTube videos, or brainstorming new project ideas. I'm always on the lookout for exciting collaboration opportunities and would love to connect with other developers and creatives. Let's build something great together!

Languages and Tools
  • JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Python, C#, C++, Ruby
  • React, NextJS
  • Bootstrap, Tailwind
  • NodeJS, Express, Rails
  • MongoDB, Firebase, MySQL
  • Godot, GDScript
  • VsCode(+NeoVim), Bash, Git, Linux
Learning Resources
  • The Odin Project
    This is where I learned the most about web development basics. I love learning by building complex projects and figuring out solutions through online resources like Stack Overflow and documentation.
  • Youtube and Reddit
    I often browse these platforms to keep up to date with the latest technology news and tutorials. I'm subscribed to various tech YouTubers who provide valuable insights and knowledge.
  • Books
    I enjoy reading books to deepen my understanding of programming concepts. Recently, I've been reading "A Tour of C++" to gain a high-level overview of the language. "Nature of Code" by Daniel Shiffman is my personal favorite, as it teaches how to simulate nature in code.
Personal Interests
  • Music
    I enjoy playing the piano and occasionally composing music in my free time.
  • Neural Networks, Machine Learning, and AI
    I am fascinated by the algorithms behind these technologies and am eager to learn more about them.
  • Coding Challenges/Competitive Programming
    I find these challenges to be a fun and pure way to test my problem-solving skills.
  • Building Projects
    Above all, I love building projects. It's the most effective way for me to learn and grow my skills, and it allows me to bring my ideas to life.
© copyright Yosua Nicolaus 2023
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